
Showing posts from December 1, 2019

Effects of Geological Activities on The Environment

There has been proven implications of the hazardous effect of trace elements released during geological activities such as mining, earthquake,oil spillage and exploration as the case maybe. It is noteworthy that different elements are absorbed in water which is a major source of different elements required for the proper functioning of our living system.Therefore,the elemental status of soil and drinking water of a particular area influences the elemental status of living system. Certain diseases and sicknesses has been linked to the deficiency or abundance or some trace elements in the soil and water consumption.

God’s Plan For Your Life

Realize that in the midst of all your troubles ,God has a purpose for you. Jeremiah 29:11 says His plans for us are for good and not of evil to bring us to an expected end.. Surely,there will be circumstances that negates or are contrary to His divine plan for us.However, whose report do we believe,His report or the report of our circumstances or challenges? Our heavenly Father’s plan for us ,far outweighs whatever we might be going through currently. Remember, you are on a journey with an expected end of good for as long as you trust Him to lead you by the right hand.. You have been engraven on the palm of His hands. The very challenge you see now is a SIGN post to your promise Land... Along the path to the fulfillment of your destiny,so much would happen that will make you question the very existence of GOD ..... Dearly beloved be strong and of good courage. STAY STRONG and FINISH STRONG.