5 Simple Ways To Engage Your Kids During the Holiday

As can be imagined,every holiday is a stressful time for the mothers.The kids are obviously super crazy about the vacation  while the moms on the other hand aren't so excited. The fact that they have their hands full from dealing with restless kids coupled with so much house chores to do all at once makes the break a nightmare for most mothers.
Well,  there is no reason to fret as here are 5 Simple tips to Constructively engage your children on holiday.

# keep your kids engaged with activities that are creative.It doesn't have to be entertainment all the time.
Engage them positively by making utmost use of resources at your disposal such as
colouring books,building blocks or LEGO, musical instruments  etc .

# Create a Study plan:This should be strictly adhered to.This way subject of interest where they are lagging behind is effectively handled and dealt with the moment school is on hold.
This should include but not limited to the following areas like handwriting, Spelling words,Verbal reasoning,Quantitative aptitude  etc.Mentally and Intellectual a great improvement is observed in the child's developmental growth.

#Adopt a Family Writing Time:Implementing a family writing  plan of 45mins everyday is really not a bad idea for the kids during the holiday.
Ability to create and tell their own stories is encouraged and improved upon.
Reflect on their academic performances thus far.Applaud them for the good ones and create room for improvement in the not so good areas.

# Work Together.Let them work with you in the kitchen,garden,store,office,cleaning up and doing the laundry together.
This way you are able to shape them to be better organised and neat individuals in the near future.
Bring back the system of togetherness by integrating your children into your daily activities and business.

# Encourage reading a story book each day.This not only improves their vocabulary over time but it also test their comprehension and Intellectual capability.


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