11 Eclusive Gifts for the Season

As I laid on my bed in the dark,my thought drifted to the holiday and the forthcoming festivities.

Another  Xmas is just around the corner all over the world.

As expected, a lot  is going on everywhere in celebration of the season.

I couldn't help but remember my childhood and what Christmas meant  back then.Its difficult to forget;  not with my eldest daughter asking me same question.

Nevertheless,as I grew older,the day became less special and was just like any other day .

However,of recent,there was an awakening in me that birthed this post.
A priceless Christmas Gift that cost a life.

What does Christmas mean to YOU?
Why do you celebrate it ?Is it just any normal day where you obviously look forward to the holiday  attached to it.

To me now,It's a celebration of the priceless love of God to us through the birth of his Son Jesus Christ.

According to John 3:16"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in HIM should not perish but have eternal life"

This is indeed a love that is priceless and the greatest  gift of all times .
It's an affirmation and reawakening of the extraordinary miracle of God.

The best Christmas gift, the key to an everlasting  experience which is life changing that we could ever have imagined.
It's a celebration of the birth of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ.
Born in a Manager in Bethlehem.
The best gift you could ever give someone this season.
Destined to take away the sins of the whole world....Who knew no sin but was prepared as a sacrificial lamb to bear the sins of the whole world...
What a priceless gift....
What can we give in exchange for this great love shown to us ?
Even before we were formed,God  loved us enough to send his only begotten Son for our sins.
To me,the greatest and best gift that we can think of to give is the love of God through the birth of His son Jesus.
This to me is an exclusive Christmas give away from me and mine to you and yours.
Share the love of Christ this season.He is surely the reason for the season.
Take time off ,sit back,look at  your life.Where you are presently and before;
Could it have been better?What were the lessons learnt?
Maybe this year didn't go as planned; never mind there is still room at the top to reach.

What kind of gift are you to everyone around you?

As Christians celebrate today ,we expect charitable courses to the less privilege ,orphanage,the sick and bedridden,widows etc to be a priority .

Nevertheless,it can be a recurring event or way of life for everyone .

It should not be how much is received but how much is given back to the community.

Start thinking of catching up with old friends who aren't doing so well.

Open your books and start reflecting on the new season to come.

Share inspirational thoughts.

Pick up the pieces of your life..

Nothing is too difficult..

Effective management of time spent with your children analyzing their success or shortfall..

Savings culture from Income.

Remember your kids are your rewards.

What are the 10 things you wish were   done this season?

As for me,am looking at 5 areas that took away my expenses which I  could have managed better.
Example hair making,food,shopping items,car repairs,travelling,socializing etc

I hope to build a savings culture. Keep track of my expenditure to be able to know actual amount spent monthly or daily as the case may be...

How do I manage and maximize what I give my family?

How best do I manage in law's or extended family?

How about you  picking  up a new language or skill geared at increasing your profitability in the coming year?

A new hobby like hair making,sewing, crafts that is more rewarding now than tertiary education.

How much are you spending on electricity?

Your electrical appliances should be switched off if not in use.

Managing inverters.If your inverters are fully charged, switch them off as they may burn a lot of electricity.

Buy cars that are fuel economic.Plan your trips with Google maps

Improve on your IT skills.

Pick the basics not everything.

Keep your password safe.Keep a minimum threshold amount of money for emergencies.

We hope you're able to spend your day making warm memories with the people you care about this season.


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