Tips on Effective Time Management As A New Mom

Here is a continuation of our previous post

. Sleep ...This cannot be overemphasized.  Quality time spent sleeping should never be overlooked or

ignored.Sleep when your baby is asleep.Its important to prioritize your sleep needs so you can be

healthy and well not only for yourself but the baby as well. As a mother of 2 young girls, I realized my breast milk supply was higher when I got a good sleep.

Organization:This can eliminate a lot of stress as a new mom..Plan ahead task such as a pediatrician

appointments ,immunization charts,work related schedules and deadlines.Having a back up baby bag

containing the essentials for your baby loaded in your car will save you so much trouble.

Recognizing your daily activities and caring for your child will help alleviate your anxiety.

3.Have a Routine:

Keeping a regular routine chart or sheet for every household chores is a life saver.This can relieve

undue stress and free up some extra time for other stuffs.Remember, there will always be some

hiccups or ups and downs,but having a schedule as a new mom keeps you on top of your game for

getting your home and work responsibilities well taken care of. 4.Delegate:You need to come to the

realization that Rome wasn’t built in a day.You can’t do it all by yourself.Never be ashamed or afraid

to ask for help from friends and family that you can genuinely trust .

Its important you have a discussion with your partner on it. Figure out your daily needs and task

This goes a long way to figuring out who can help,

Know When To Say No:With a new infant, your time is limited and you definitely can’t

unnecessarily stretch yourself over insignificant issues at this point of your life.Therefore, you must

learn how to politely and firmly say no to requests and offers that aren’t favorable for now.

Multitasking:As a mom, I learnt early how to multi -task.If baby is not feeding and comfortably

listening to music from the TV or rocker,you can start up the washing machine and start your laundry

while at the same time ironing your clothes and baby’s.The parboiling of rice or whatever it is that

you intend preparing for dinner can equally be right on the cooker. You don’t need a perfect time to

get all this done...


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