Habits of Highly Effective Mom

As a sit at home mom,I learnt to work smart and not hard.The secret to optimizing your time lies in this fact.Additionally,you should be able to multitask your house  chores.
What can I do at the same time.While waiting for the clothes to be ready in the washing machine,can I start preparing lunch ahead of my picking the kids up from school?
How well do you maximize your time when you are all alone....
Do you spend it just sleeping or relaxing while the kids are off to school or do you have an effective schedule /time table you work with to properly run your home....
See your home as your business where you have to put in time to nurture and grow it.You equally require procedures mand processes in place for its smooth functioning.
Do you have food time table for the family?If yes,do stick to it...
Are you involved in their homework?What do you have planned out for this....?
Finally,what time  do you have set aside  for your side hustle.?Are you solely in charge or you have employees reporting to you..
In the midst of all this ,dear sit at home mom ,don’t neglect your self.This is what we often do consciously or unconsciously...
Be selfish for once and put yourself FIRST...

Pamper yourself.......
Have you ever wondered about motherhood? The fact that your whole life is going to be changing forever is some how scary.Meaning,it’s not just about you anymore......
You have got a new tiny platter   feet born to cater and look out for?
How prepared are you for this life changing role ahead.?
Yes,it’s going to change your life forever positively or negatively depending on how ready you are to take up the responsibility that lies before you.
As a mother of two beautiful girls, I had to give up my job in the financial industry to be able to leave up to my expectations as a mother.
I just couldn’t cope with the late night and long hours that came with my job ,making it almost impossible for me to conveniently balance my work with the home front.
You don’t have to give up your job like I did,all you require is how to effectively crackdown on your time for optimal results at home as well as your place of work.
This article is going to dwell on tips to maximize your time effectively as a new mom or busy mom as the case maybe.
This has worked for me for the past 8 years and I am getting results which has propelled me to share with mothers like myself struggling iamimisioluwa.blogspot.com in this area.
Let me share tips I never knew before giving up my job for the home front.


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